Most important ways to improve photography performance in 2022

improve photography

As an artist photography is a skill, which can be used to express yourself if you’re truly serious about photography.

And as you know it’s quite easy these days to learn photography quickly.

You can search on YouTube and you’ll get a bunch of good photography tutorials, like how to use your DSLR camera, what ISO, shutter speed and aperture are, and so on…

But do you think, watching all that stuff helps you to get better pictures?

At night, when you play with lights, or even during sunlight or in any situation you capture good images with your creativity.

So, if you don’t know all this stuff then just understand and follow what I say.

When I was young and a newbie in the photography world, I thought that after purchasing a DSLR camera (with a kit lens 😀 ) it would be easy to improve my photography performance from a smartphone to a DSLR camera.

I remember thinking, all I needed to do was click the shutter button to get the blurry background with sharp in-focus objects.

But that’s not the thing that matters if you want to become a better photographer, or even if you want to improve your photography.

At that time I only knew how to capture simple photos with my DSLR camera but I never knew how to handle and use some other modes and cool features of my DSLR camera.

Which helped me improve my photography performance like any other photographer.

We photographers just edit some simple photographs using Lightroom or Adobe Photoshop which gives cool output and in the end, we call it our creativity.

This stuff works sometimes ( ask yourself ) but not every time.

So I hope, you know that it’s not the proper way to improve your photography performance.

Yeah, it’s useful but once you master some cool things which I will be mentioning in this article later, it is going to help you improve your photography performance.

so, now without talking more about this topic, let’s get started.

Ways to improve photography performance

As I said earlier, you can find way more techniques and tricks to capture better images.

But in this article, I am mentioning only the most needed & useful ways which help you to enhance your photography skills.

My top 7 tips to improve your photography performance this year.

Please don’t skip a single point, because these points are very important to improve your photography performance.

Learn manual mode + other gears which you have

This is the very first, and one of the most important tips.

This can help you play with lights and get creative shots.

Manual mode is the first and most important point that you need to learn if you want to improve your overall photography performance no matter what the situations are.

If you want to master night photography or even portrait photography or even landscape, you need to know manual mode.

This mode helps you to master ISO, shutter speed, Aperture, etc kind of the most important thing, so this is the first step.

If you own any other gears like some cool filters or extra flash then you need to know some basic working of those gears.

If you don’t have any resources then don’t worry, here are some useful resources which help you to improve your photography skills.

Basic understanding of the tripod

Tripods are essential if your hands are not steady enough to capture sharp images.

Even if you’re going out for a photo shoot at night, a tripod is a must-have gear.

I hope you know that we use the tripod for stability and to capture sharp photographs.

When you are capturing photographs of some landscapes or long exposure ( light trails ) then your camera needs stability.

For this purpose, you need a tripod, which helps you to capture sharp and creative photographs.

Look at this long-exposure photograph.


streets of Ahmedabad | Follow PEWDOC on Instagram

Capture everywhere

This rule is significant for every newbie photographer, who just bought a new DSLR camera and is not ready to take it everywhere.

It’s your mistake, if you love photography then just capture it everywhere, it helps you to improve your photography performance and also gives you a different perspective to capture one single image.

I made an early mistake in my photography career, like thinking about the gear I wanted to buy.

Just watching photography tutorials on YouTube, or buying online courses related to photography, etc…

This helps you at some level, but if you want to get quick results then you need to go outside with your camera.

Just try it, once you realize this feeling, it helps you to capture more interesting photographs.

Accept some challenges

Photography challenges are very interesting, these challenges can help you to improve your work and get to a better version of yourself.

In the end, you learn many new things with improved photography skills, and that’s very unique and interesting.

See this image, which advertises a 30-day photography challenge, try it and see what you get at the end.

improve photography

Share your photographs and ask for feedback ( my favourite)

These days social media is a huge place, I have never seen a photographer who doesn’t have any social accounts, it is impossible if you don’t have any social account.

So if you don’t have a social account then you need to create one and share your photographs with your friends, family, and the world.

You can even share it with some pro photographers whom you follow ( go on YouTube, many photographers ask for images to edit on their videos ) & like and then ask for some feedback.

Understand what they say properly and work on improving your mistakes.

Do this again and again and it can help you capture great shots.

Visit every single place which you love

This is something special and a different thing which you need to try if you love travelling.

If you love travelling take your camera everywhere and capture every single place.

Every moment, every hour is more important for you to capture some eye-catching photographs.

Work…work and work

Last but not least, there is a point which you must follow.

If you want to improve your photography performance, practice is the only golden key that will always help.

If you don’t practice every single point which is mentioned earlier then you won’t be able to improve your photography performance that’s for sure.

So set goals and achieve them, that’s the only way to master your photography skills.

Useful resources to improve photography

Follow Me. On Instagram for more updates 🙂

Hope you guys find some useful information and assuming it helps you to improve your photography performance, thank you, and best of luck :).

About Author


Hi, I'm Manthan I'm a professional photographer and founder of this site hosts all of my writing on photography stuff like blogs, reviews, editing, and much more. whatever I learn new, I publish here as a blog with some good and easy examples. Cheers, Manthan

Hi, I'm Manthan I'm a professional photographer and founder of this site hosts all of my writing on photography stuff like blogs, reviews, editing, and much more. whatever I learn new, I publish here as a blog with some good and easy examples. Cheers, Manthan

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