Quick Things To Know Before Starting A Photography Blog In 2024-25

how to start a Photography Blog

These days a photography blog is very popular among all other things related to photography.

no matter if it’s youtube, Instagram, or any other social media platform available all around the world.

and yeah, that’s true. it’s very ordinary but not every photographer knows this truth.

so today, here I am sharing some important tips and ways that help you to start a brand new ( and stunning ) photography blog within one single week or even less than that.

many of my readers are asking me a question like how to start a photography blog. or how to start a so-called successful photography blog.

in this article, I’m writing all of the answers related to this kind of question.

so if you don’t know how to start a blog, or even if you want to learn/know some important steps you need to take before/after starting a brand new photography blog then this article is for you.

this article also contains some important lessons for you which are performed by me to create this beautiful website from scratch.

and get millions of traffic in some regular time intervals.

if you want to create a brand new photography blog then just follow this quick guide which takes care of every single money and time you invest to create an outstanding blog.

now without talking more about this, let’s get started…

Things To Remember Before Starting A Photography Blog

here are my top 15 checklists that you need to remember to create a successful photography blog and earn money.

now let’s talk about each point in detail…

Why a photography blog ??

a photography blog

This is the first and very very very important question you need to ask yourself before starting a new photography blog.

ask yourself why blogging ?? but not youtube and any other interesting stuff.

do you really want to dive into this big world ?? without knowing anything about it? and you’re also ready to spend some money to get good success ratio over some time ??

but… wait! Don’t be afraid, if you really love photography and want to share your knowledge then you’re good to go, just be sure.

to share your images with the world or even if you want to share your photography knowledge or want to learn more.

these are just negative points, but let me tell you some positive points now !! so you feel better.

if you solve all the questions asked by me earlier then congratulations, now after 6-8 months you’re probably earning 300-400$ per month !!!

that’s a very big amount of money you can earn in a very limited time amount.

Are you really interested?

Before starting a photography blog, do you really love photography ?? do you love writing also ??

if not then don’t do this work, because it takes time to get success, it’s not a so-called overnight success.

and it’s also very hard to manage all this stuff !! because you need to write at least 80-100 blog posts, to get the result that we are talking about.

that means a minimum of 10 blog posts per month !! and that’s not a very easy task, believe me.

so take your time and decide if you’re interested or not !!!

The main subject of your photography blog

The subject is also one of the important parts of your photography blog.

if you want long-term success, then choose your blog subject wisely.

because some trending subjects are very hard to rank on Google in a limited time amount.

it takes time to gain some attention to your blog posts and also building a great audience is a bit hard and a very slow process.

let me give you one simple example.

currently, I follow the blogs of the digital photography school, which is a very old photography blog website, and one of my favorite photography blog sites available on the internet right now.

you can see their website & blog posts and also the topics which they are writing about, you can learn so many new things after reviewing some popular photography blog sites like this one.

find more ideas here…

Find a platform

yeah, finally now you’re ready to rock with your blog topic.

now it’s time to find a good platform.

there are so many different platforms available to host your photography blogs.

here are some free options that you can use to create your photography blog.


  • This one is the free blogging platform for every single blogger, which is created by Google.
  • it’s totally free.
  • also, it’s very easy to use and handle all the other stuff like Google Analytics and AdSense, etc…
  • you don’t even need to buy a Domain ( .com URL ), for your brand-new photography blog, you can use the unique name of your blog with a .blogspot URL.

Example: yourdomain.blogspot.com


  • This is another option like Blogspot but this one is the updated version of it.
  • blogspot contains a limited amount of themes and plugins but WordPress contains so many unique and important themes as well as plugins, which are one-click installations.
  • like Blogspot, you can use WordPress to create your blogs for free, but it also contains a wordpress.com kind of URL at the end of your domain.

you can even use a tumbler.

Choose a better hosting and theme

This one is the paid option but here you can find hosting plans for a low price.

on the other hand, if you love Blogspot then you can use it for free.

but if you want to spend some money then first buy a domain name from GoDaddy or Bigrock and web hosting from some hosting providers.

Also, your website theme matters a lot, if you don’t own a clean and unique blog theme then your users can’t able to read the quality content.

and it affects your overall site ranking and conversion rate + bounce rate ( time users stay on your website, which helps Google to decide whether your content is good for the audience to rank or not ).

Post regularly

Consistency is the main key.

if you’re not serious about your photography blogging career then don’t do it at all, as I said earlier.

but once you decide then please follow all the rules and post regularly.

because if you post in regular time intervals then it’s easy for Google to remember you otherwise they don’t crawl your site on a regular basis.

that means your blog posts are no longer available on the internet, and that’s a very bad point for your analytics.

Handle social media platforms

to build a brand, social media is a must.

just create an account on Instagram, Pinterest & Facebook and share your blog posts and some images every single day.

and build a great & active audience, again as I said earlier it’s not that easy and not an overnight success.

hope you get that.

Set newsletter form.

Create a brand new Newsletter form, so you can build your audience list.

and it also makes it easy for you to send every single blog update to your users with just one single mail.

read my article on…

Use Google Analytics

Analytics plays a very big role in achieving massive success in your photography blog.

find trending ways to vlog

( this all tec tics are very important for your blog if it’s older than 6 months and also getting a good amount of traffic. )

if you want to target any country or even target a single keyword then you can use Google Analytics to get the result that you want.

yes, you can create an ad campaign to achieve your target.

also if you’re looking to track your audience then you can use this genuine tool which is created by Google.

you can even see which post is most popular with so many different options.

Never believe in analytics

This is one of the very silly mistakes every new blogger makes.

when they start a new photography blog, suddenly they get started looking at analytics reports and get demotivated.

because they’re not seeing some big spike on their photography blog.

and that’s pretty obvious, it is not that much quicker for Google to crawl your page overnight and share it with some genuine audience.

and at the end, bloggers get demotivated and start thinking to leave this platform as it is.

this is the point where 90% of bloggers quit blogging.

so if you’re reading this then now you need to understand then it takes time for your new site to grow, so be gentle.

Always get ready to learn

What is photographic element?

After creating a steady website, now it’s time to write some cool blog posts.

that means you need some good topic that you know and want to share with your readers via a blog post.

but in the end when you don’t have any topic left in your mind then start practicing new things with your own DSLR camera.

this thing helps you in two different ways.

first of all, you’re improving yourself to become a better photographer.

and another one is that now you know something more about photography, so you can share it with your audience easily.

so always try to learn new and unique things with your camera equipment, so you draw very good attention from your audience.

Learn how to write a good article.

If you’re from India or Pakistan and a country where English is not a primary language then this point is very important for you.

if you’re Indian then you can write your article in Hindi, but if you write it in English then there are better chances to make your article more reachable.

but I don’t know some proper ways to write a good article in English !!! I also don’t know some terms to use in English !! now, what to do ???

don’t worry, I have a solution.

when I created my first blog post, I was also facing the same issue and feeling the same as you’re feeling right now.

so at that time, I used a tool called Grammarly.

this tool helps you to write better sentences and also helps you to correct your grammar mistakes very easily.

if you’re using Chrome then here is the extension, just create an account, install it, and use it.

Share your adventures with your audience

you can even share your adventure with your audience, like if you’re going for some tracking then share your experience about that particular place with your audience.

you can even create a vlog, upload it on YouTube, and share it with your viewers.

they definitely like it and appreciate it.

just don’t stop, keep on going and make it better and better.

Learn a little bit about SEO

This one is the tough one and takes a very good amount of time to understand and learn.

SEO means Search Engine Optimization.

it helps you to make your blog rank on Google number one.

but it’s not that much easy and yes it takes time.

Whether its link building or On-page SEO or even Off-Page SEO, you just need to understand something little about SEO.

if you hire an SEO expert then it costs more money and time, and sometimes they don’t work as we expected.

so it’s better to learn it by yourself.

Final words

Congratulations, finally we made it.

now you almost know every single thing that is needed to start a photography blog.

in this article, every single topic which is mentioned by me is very easy to learn and understand.

I created this article for a newbie, so if you’re and PRO then you don’t need to look into it, but yeah some of the points are very unique and very important to understand and learn by yourself.

so once you start writing a blog, don’t stop it just keep on building more content, that’s the only key to success.

once you reach the final destination, it’s very easy for you to earn a good amount of money when you’re sleeping.

yeah, that’s crazy !!!

Read more…

Hope you guys like this article, and I hope it helps you to create a photography blog without any trouble.

best of luck, and thank you 🙂

comment below your blog name!!!

About Author


Hi, I'm Manthan I'm a professional photographer and founder of photographywith.com. this site hosts all of my writing on photography stuff like blogs, reviews, editing, and much more. whatever I learn new, I publish here as a blog with some good and easy examples. Cheers, Manthan

Hi, I'm Manthan I'm a professional photographer and founder of photographywith.com. this site hosts all of my writing on photography stuff like blogs, reviews, editing, and much more. whatever I learn new, I publish here as a blog with some good and easy examples. Cheers, Manthan


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