Top Instagram images of September 2020 |

Hello Guys, here I’m again with some of my best Instagram images of September.

If you guys new here, then let me tell you that I started Photography from the last 4-5 years and blogging for the last 2 years.

So using my site (, I’m sharing some useful and important things for every single artist.

who want to grow and learn something amazing in their photography career.

You can find so many diffrent and unique articles on my blog, so that’s the basic info of my blog.

now as you can guess from the title, today I’m going to sharing some of my hand-picked Instagram images and the story behind every single image.

hope you guys like it.

Top Instagram images of September 2020 | PEWDOC

as you know during this pandemic, It’s quite hard to go outside and capture.

this is the same line I’m repeating from the past 2 months, so hopefully you guys can feel my emotions as a photographer

as an artist you need to create something awesome and interesting indoor during this hard time.

so as you know I purchased a good 2 in 1 add-on lens ( macro + wide ) for mobile photography.

and these lenses helped me a lot to improve my overall mobile photography performance.

P R I N T S 👆

This is the shot I captured using that 2 in 1 lens.

to captured this shot I used Macro lens.

you can see the clarity which I get in the final image.

the basic reason behind this shot is some good lights and focus points.

I found this image on my Instagram account, and just tried to capture the same.

to edit this image, I used snapseed.

Creating Example of Nagetive space

Recently, I published one article on Nagetive space.

and after finishing that article, I learned so many new techniques and ways to capture good shots.

so I captured this one…

to capture this image, I used my new Sony Alpha 6000 with zoom lens ( 55-210mm ).

More Long Exposure shots

I learned something important during this lockdown, If you don’t know then there are unlimited ways to capture a single object using diffrent ways.

As per my experience, this sentence is very true.

so during this lockdown, I found many old toys and one of my favorite is The Smurfs.

I used that toy as a subject to capture diffrent types of Long exposure shots using my Smartphone.

day by day, I realised that I can do way better than the first shot which I captured using long exposure.

here are the final results…

To create these beautiful Lights, I used my smartphone screen as a light source ( full brightness ) and wallpaper contains some colorful dots.

I edited these all images using snapseed + lightroom, hope you guys like it.

My Camera

These are the final and my favorite images which I captured using my very first camera Canon 1300D.

All these images are edited using snapseed.

Hope you guys got some inspiration to capture indoor during this lockdown.

Thank you for reading this article, share your views under the comment section.

Have a good day 🙂

About Author


Hi, I'm Manthan I'm a professional photographer and founder of this site hosts all of my writing on photography stuff like blogs, reviews, editing, and much more. whatever I learn new, I publish here as a blog with some good and easy examples. Cheers, Manthan

Hi, I'm Manthan I'm a professional photographer and founder of this site hosts all of my writing on photography stuff like blogs, reviews, editing, and much more. whatever I learn new, I publish here as a blog with some good and easy examples. Cheers, Manthan

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