Top Instagram images of April 2020 |

Instagram images of April

Hello guys, here I’m again with some of my favorite and most popular Instagram images of April 2020.

Basically, as you guys know currently the whole country is under a very bad situation because of COVID-19.

So Today some of the images which I captured during last month contains some old images as well as some creative shots which I captured during these so-called quarantine time.

as an artist, it’s very hard to do something creative every single day, and especially if you’re creating something awesome indoor.

I hope you guys like the images which I captured using my DSLR camera and Smartphone.

and also hoping that It helps you to capture & imagine more creative content during this quarantine as a photographer…

now without talking more about it, let’s get started…

Top Instagram images of April 2020

Here are some of the shots which I’m talking about…

If you want to know more about these then you can follow me on Instagram @pewdoc_

“INDIA 🇮🇳”

This is the very first shot in our list, captured when I was coming home from Manali.

There is a very small amount of time I got to stay in Dehli and visit this beautiful place India gate.

I already decided to capture this kind of shot, so I just stay in front of the India gate and capture this beautiful shot.

As you can see there are so many noises in the image, it’s because of the bed camera sensor and high ISO.

if you own a better camera then you can do better then this one…

Portrait love

This is one of my favorite images of my mom, which I captured at Manali.

you can see the perfect combination of DoF and best manual camera setting which I ever used in this image…

Glass and Water Photography ( shot on iPhone )

This is the trick which you can do during this quarantine…

All you need is one transparent glass plus enough water (save water) to throw in the air.

I captured this image on iPhone 6 with burst mode and edited it on the lightroom mobile.

Kind of Long Exposure

This is another good idea to perform during this time…

all you need is a light source ( torch, mobile flashlight, etc… ) + bulb and a good camera + tripod (optional).

FYI I captured this image without any tripod, just make sure your camera is steady.

Close-up (shot on iPhone)

When I captured these images it’s not that much awesome.

but I tried to use a different kind of blur (Radial Blur) method to make this image looks more eye-catching.

and here is the result…


Fake Motion Blur ( shot on iPhone)

This is another magic of Picsart…

If you love miniature photography then find some cool miniature objects and just capture.

now download picsart and use motion blur to edit your image, you’ll get result like this…

Oil + Water Photography

This is really cool stuff, which you must need to try…

This photography technique is gaining lots of attention this day during this lockdown.

The main reason behind this is that it’s easy to capture and 110% gives you very great results…

look what I captured…

So, that’s all from my side.

hope you guys like my images and gain some real inspiration to do better during this quarantine with your creativity.

Do share your images and thoughts under the comment section, thank you.

stay home, stay safe 🙂

About Author


Hi, I'm Manthan I'm a professional photographer and founder of this site hosts all of my writing on photography stuff like blogs, reviews, editing, and much more. whatever I learn new, I publish here as a blog with some good and easy examples. Cheers, Manthan

Hi, I'm Manthan I'm a professional photographer and founder of this site hosts all of my writing on photography stuff like blogs, reviews, editing, and much more. whatever I learn new, I publish here as a blog with some good and easy examples. Cheers, Manthan

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