7 Of The Best Family Photography Tips | Beginner’s Quick Guide

It’s a very rare movement in your life when your whole family is present in one place, and you get one lucky chance to impress everyone by doing some awesome Family Photography, or we can say, family portraits or photographs.

So, in this article, I do not tell you the full detailed information related to portrait photography we just discuss family photography. 

Detailed information means what is the meaning of portrait photography, the basics of it or the best tips to capture beautiful portrait photographs even if you are a newbie and with your normal equipment.

family photography

If you want to know the proper meaning of portrait photography or how to capture the best portraits, then I’ll give you some of the best articles which are very important to improve portrait photography, so if you want to capture “Family portraits”, then first read this the article that’s my humble request.

family photography is the best way to represent your entire family, or that “Relation” or “Love” which makes that family photograph or photo shoot a lot more beautiful and heartfelt. 

So, as I told you before, I removed the word “Portraits” from “Family portrait photography” and made it “Family photography.

The main reason behind this is now you know the meaning of portrait, so “Family portrait photography” sounds too boring, doesn’t it ??

Let’s understand some basic tricks or tips to master family Photography.

7 Of The Best Family Photography Tips | Beginner’s Quick Guide

So here are some tips for beginners to start and ease their way into family photography…

1. Never Miss This Opportunity

2. Capture The Relations

3. Stay Alert

4. Beautiful Costume

5. Basic Camera Settings

6. Camera Equipment

7. Best Poses

Let’s understand every step in detail so you can capture beautiful family photographs.

Never Miss This Opportunity

There is not a lot of time that you get the opportunity to have your whole family in one place so if you do take advantage of it.

Everyone’s life has become busy to the extent that no one spends their time with their family but mostly on social media, and all other stuff that is so important to them. 

That’s the harsh reality of today. 

family photography

So the first and most important point is to never miss the Opportunity, so whenever your family sets up a reunion or something, then just grab the opportunity and capture that feeling in your photograph.

As you know, I am not talking about a small family like a mother, father, sister and brother; this opportunity is for a big family where lots of family members share happiness.

You can capture Candids or even have the family members pose to get more official family photographs. 

Family photography: Capture The Relations

My family is too big, so it’s damn hard to collect all of them, but because of some family function, etc, somehow all came together, and that’s the rare chance to do family photography.

family photography
So when you get this type of chance to do the best family photography, then Mostly capture the Relation.

it means the relation between mother and son, the relation between father and his daughter, etc., types which give an infinite feeling to your family photographs, see the example @ tip no 3.

Family photography: Stay Alert

So, as you know, to do the best family photography, “Relation” Must matter. 

Because that’s all images that were captured by you that’s all random images, and I hope you know the power of random photographs. 

From the ones that you capture you get 9/10 best images.


family photography

For this, you just need to remain aware and active, about your surroundings.

So you can adjust your digital camera or the settings which must be needed to capture the clear and sharp images.

All these candids must be done before you do family photography.

If you don’t know How to Do Manual Photography, then just Click on other modes like Program AE or Portrait Mode.

Even if you don’t know how to use manual focus, then you can do family photography with autofocus.

Autofocus ( Autopilot mode )mode can be helpful in the beginning but you should try and learn how to use manual mode. 

You need to learn all these things, here is the article which helps you to learn manual photography, as well as manual focus,

Manual can prove to be the better way as it can help you how to control your camera settings. 

Also, it can help you see how the changes in various settings have an impact on your images. 

Camera Equipment for family photography

Normal equipment is good enough to capture beautiful family photographs, yes, that’s true.

You need one basic lens, such as an 18-55 mm lens, and a digital camera, that’s it.

Or, if you are a professional photographer and want to spend some money, then buy flashguns

These flashguns can help you to get better family portraits while attending some important functions.

Now you are good to go.

5. Beautiful costumes to make your Family photographs better

This point matters a lot. 

it’s too much fun to do family photography when you are attending some wedding function because all members of your family are in fancy attires. 

They look their best at functions such as weddings and you can capture some beautiful shots. 

That’s why I love to shoot more while attending weddings.

It’s quite basic to get nice family portraits your clothes need to be good as well. 

Or else you’ll always look bad in all the family portraits.

Just try it once, and you’ll understand this part.

So always get the best clothes and get the best family photographs.

Basic Camera Settings – Most Important 

This is the most important part of getting the best family photographs.

If your camera settings are not good enough, all other factors don’t matter much.

No matter how quickly you click the pictures or how well the subjects are dressed doesn’t matter

You always end up getting the worst results and that’s not good news for the photographs.

So here are the basic settings which you must need to set up “Manually” to do the best Family Photography.

Here, I share some BASIC Important features which you need to set up. 

If you want to learn more about all these features, then I’ll share some links where you can learn all these features in detail.


ISO is the thing that is needed when you are capturing images in too low light.

It is also used when you are capturing images in too high a light.

hence, it is safe to say it is mostly used in extreme lighting conditions. 

ISO makes the level of light, if you are capturing in Low Light, then make your ISO high, like 3200-6400

If you are capturing Images with High light (like capturing an outdoor family photoshoot), then just make your ISO low, like 100-200 That’s it.


Flash can prove to be important while trying to capture a very sharp image.

It can even be used when there is low light to fill more colours, you can use flash.

In my DSLR, I get a total of five types of different flash types. 

These types are basically to make your flash brighter in very low light or to make your flash soft when there is high light.

You can also use off-flash, so if this other equipment is needed.

Just read one of these articles to learn detailed information related to off-flash photography.

Image format

Basically, by default, the image format of your DSLR is JPEG, which does not give you fully detailed colours.

So you can just try to capture images in RAW format and avoid compressed images then. 

But normally, RAW format does not give you compressed Images, so it takes too much amount to store images.

Only use the RAW format if you have a big memory card. 

Another reason is that if you want to edit all these family portraits in software like Lightroom, then images captured in RAW format give you full details of your images. 

If you want to know more detailed information related to RAW and JPEG format or Why RAW format is better than JPEG then find the link below.

Related Articles

Other Features Likes Aperture, exposure or shutter speed also matter if you want to capture “Extraordinary Family Portrait”.

Best Poses for Family Photography

Before you shoot with your D-SLR, you first check whether your D-SLR is fully charged or not.

That when you shoot some family photographs, you just need to check the best pose for family photography.

thanks @ unsplash

If you are pre-planned, then you can get better results, won’t you?

So find the best poses for family photography on Google and then capture all those poses by your side, so it impresses others as well as you get more credits !! Haha.


So that’s My article on Family Photography Tips I hope you like it and share it. Thank you :).

About Author


Hi, I'm Manthan I'm a professional photographer and founder of photographywith.com. this site hosts all of my writing on photography stuff like blogs, reviews, editing, and much more. whatever I learn new, I publish here as a blog with some good and easy examples. Cheers, Manthan

Hi, I'm Manthan I'm a professional photographer and founder of photographywith.com. this site hosts all of my writing on photography stuff like blogs, reviews, editing, and much more. whatever I learn new, I publish here as a blog with some good and easy examples. Cheers, Manthan


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