Top Instagram images of June 2020 |

Instagram images of June

Hello, guys here I’m again with another blog to show some of my best photos, which I uploaded on Instagram.

If you’re new here then you can subscribe for more amazing content like this, you can even follow me on Instagram to find some cool photography content at pewdoc_.

so as I mentioned in this blog post I’m sharing some of my best and handpicked Instagram images of June 2020.

If you like any one of these or even if you’ve something amazing then please share under the comment section.

now without talking more about it, let’s get started…

Top Instagram images of June 2020

recently I just bought a new Mobile Phone camera to capture something amazing shots using my smartphone during this Lockdown situation.

If you’re also looking for some cool smartphone camera lens, then you can read the in-depth review of that lens with some sample image here…

Also, all these Images which I’m sharing with you, are mostly captured using this lens.

As I mentiond It’s 2 in 1 lens so you can capture macro + wide angle shots.

1. I Love Camera Lens

Instagram images of June | Canon 1300D

This is the very first shot that I captured using my iPhone without any external lens.

I edited this image using Snapseed.

2. Wide Angle

This is the very first image that I captured right after I received my mobile lens kit.

To capture this Shot I used the macro lens + iPhone and edited it on Lightroom for mobile.

3. Unique Type of Long Exposure

I captured this type of image last month using my Canon 1300D.

but after some creativity, I managed to capture this shot with some torchlight in the background.

I used some LED lights to make the better long exposure and I captured this image with 10 sec of long exposure with 200 ISO.

4. Colors

I personally love to capture images through some objects.

but this time I don’t have any modals to capture great portraits so I just used a CD caset and Stapler Pins.

look what i captured…

as you can see this image is not possible without that new lens kit, I captured this shot with a macro camera.

and edited on snapseed for a better look.

5. Coins Photography

This is one of my favorite image which I captured using the wide-angle lens.

During this COVID-19 situations, It’s very hard for us as a photographer to find new content.

but with little help from the internet or your creativity, you can create something amazing no matter where you’re.

so I Arranged a bunch of old vintage coins and captured this one…

After getting this kind of image, I got more inspiration to capture no matter where I am.

to edit this image I used LightRoom and Lens Distortion.

you can view the full editing tutorial on youtube.

So, These all are my top favourite on images of June.

let me know which one is your favorite, in the comment section.

If you like this article then share it with your friend and try all the possible tricks during the lockdown.

Have a good day, thank you 🙂

About Author


Hi, I'm Manthan I'm a professional photographer and founder of this site hosts all of my writing on photography stuff like blogs, reviews, editing, and much more. whatever I learn new, I publish here as a blog with some good and easy examples. Cheers, Manthan

Hi, I'm Manthan I'm a professional photographer and founder of this site hosts all of my writing on photography stuff like blogs, reviews, editing, and much more. whatever I learn new, I publish here as a blog with some good and easy examples. Cheers, Manthan

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