5 Crazy Tips To Become A Successful Freelance Photographer In India

Tips To Become A Successful Freelance Photographer

Today everything can be done from home from grocery shopping to a business.

In the past few years, people have been paying more attention to the creative side of themselves.

Many people have changed their careers and started following their respective passions.

17 best photography blogs to follow right now | specifically for beginners

Hence there are many more aspiring photographers than there once used to be.

Photography today is being used in a lot of different ways.

Hence the demand for professional photographers is increasing with each passing day. 

Most professional photographers start as freelance photographers whereas some prefer working as freelance photographers.

They enjoy the freedom they get as a freelancer

However, Freelancing as a photographer is not at all easy in today’s time of competition, especially in India.

There are pros, such as getting to choose what types of work you take on and turning down work that doesn’t align with your style or interests.

70+ Trending Different Types Of Photography + Jobs Idea | UPDATED

However, with the pros of becoming a freelance photographer there are also cons of any freelance job.

Like dealing with filing freelance taxes, finding clients, and making sure to properly insure your camera gear and photography studio. 

Tips To Become A Successful Freelance Photographer In India

Hence to make the transition easy here are some tips that will prove useful in getting you a good start as a freelance photographer in India. 

  • Importance Of Correct Equipment
  • Find Your Niche
  • Make Your Website
  • Attend More Workshops 
  • Price High If You’re A PRO

Here are in-depth tips to become a successful freelance photographer to start earning some real money as a photographer In India or wherever you’re…

Tip 1. Importance Of Correct Equipment

The first and foremost thing needed as a freelance photographer or any kind of photographer for that matter is the right equipment.

Importance Of Correct Equipment

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Now as you are just starting and don’t have the needed funds to buy all the expensive material on the market you can easily rent your equipment.

Another option can be to purchase second-hand pieces of equipment.

You can buy second-hand equipment at a lower price and when you have the funds and can afford new equipment you can resell your old equipment. 

However, if you don’t have money to buy any equipment at all you can still use your phone.

Using your phone you can learn to produce excellent pictures.

Today most smartphones are designed with high-quality cameras keeping photography in mind.

Check out the Complete Guide to capture professional photos with your phone.

And since you’re just starting as a freelance photographer, there’s no shame in using what you already have available.

Not only is any level of photography equipment capable of producing stunning photos, but an inexpensive disposable camera can too. 

One of the advantages of working as a freelancer is that you get to learn a lot from each of your clients. 

As you move along you will get to know which type of equipment and accessories you need and are comfortable with.

When you develop your photography skills and styles, you’ll start to understand what kind of camera gear might enhance your photography and give your photographs a nice touch. 

Tip 2. Find your Niche

Photography today is a vast field.

Types OF photography

There are so many styles of photography out there today.

Know 70+ Trending Different Types Of Photography + Jobs Idea | UPDATED

Some of them include wildlife photography, architectural photography, sports photography, astrophotography, landscape photography commercial photography, and numerous more.

Each form is different from the other in countless ways.

Hence for a person just starting as a photographer, it may be a little difficult to explore the numerous niches.

It may be more advisable to explore the niche you find yourself more attracted towards and comfortable with. 

Choosing a niche is a vital part of freelance photography.

This way you can explore and master your chosen niche. It can also help your clients to know for which kind of photography they can contact you. 

Tip 3. Make your website

In today’s time, people prefer to do everything with just a click of their finger.

Make your website | Manthan Gajjar


Hence, as a freelance photographer, a website or maybe an Instagram page is a must have (check out my site :D, it’s still in progress ).

This will help you acquire more clients, Your clients will have a way to contact you and they can see some of your work as well. 

Your website will be the very face of your brand.

It will be at the forefront of your photography business.

A website can be a valuable tool for your business when it comes to client education.

You can have all your information and services in one spot for them, People will judge you based on your website.

Hence spend some time carefully selecting the pictures for your website.

It is not important to show as much work as possible but to show your best work.

You are only as good as your worst photo, so in this case, less is more.

Today it is just expected that any legitimate business will have a website.

People love to go online and scope things out before they commit to anything or anyone.

Starting your website couldn’t be easier than it is today, and it’s certainly affordable.

Today everything is just at the tip of your finger. It is easier than ever to make a website than ever. 

Some resources to create a good & affordable website as a photographer…

Tip 4. Attend More Workshops 

Attending workshops with more experienced and professional photographers from your niche can benefit you in a lot of ways.

photographers photoshop

Photo by Geert Pieters on Unsplash

Since you are new you can learn a lot from these workshops.

You can learn about the latest technology and get advice on how to improve your work further.

As a freelance photographer at workshops, you can learn a lot about the essence of a good photograph, shutter speed, aperture, background, angle, aesthetics, and all the other settings that can make a photograph stand out. 

These workshops can provide you with a more hands-on experience. This can also help in networking. 

Workshops can maximize professional networking opportunities as you get to work with renowned photographers, celebrity models, and professional designers.

And many more people who can help you in growing your business.

Tip 5. Price high If you’re a PRO

Once you have honed your skills as a photographer and built your website.

It’s time to start getting your clients and start earning (believe me this is the right time to earn money as a freelance photographer). 

Earn money as freelance photographer

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Take into consideration your cost of materials, travel, overhead, and time spent editing and implementing client feedback.

And pay yourself a living wage to set your pricing.

As you are just starting you can charge reasonably more for your services. 

You can also reduce the cost of your materials.

This can help you adjust the pricing model to include more profits. 

Buying the materials in bulk can also help in reducing the cost of your materials.

But make sure you need the materials before buying them in bulk.

As a freelance photographer, the last thing you need is a stack of materials without any clients.


Working as a freelance photographer means you work for yourself, take on clients, clicking pictures as per requirement.

The scope and opportunities of freelancing in general and freelance photography have increased in the past years.

They are estimated to increase more in the coming years.

Freelancing is just a vast goldmine waiting to be explored.

This also includes freedom and independence to work, the flexibility of work hours, and many more opportunities.

All you need to start is a camera and an online photography portfolio website.

A website can help you display your work and skills so that get jobs. 

Being a freelance photographer is not an easy job today because of the competition.

Many professional photographers started as freelance photographers but worked on their work and with time they were able to make a name for themselves.

In the above article, some tips are mentioned for all the freelance photographers out there to start and grow their businesses. 

The tips mentioned above can also be seen as steps to start a business as a new freelance photographer in India.

Believing in yourself is the first step, just put yourself out there.

Building a successful freelance photography business won’t be easy but if you enjoy it – it will be worth it in the long term.

So if you’re planning to start your blog? then comment below its URL, so I can check them out 🙂

Best of luck.

About Author


Hi, I'm Manthan I'm a professional photographer and founder of photographywith.com. this site hosts all of my writing on photography stuff like blogs, reviews, editing, and much more. whatever I learn new, I publish here as a blog with some good and easy examples. Cheers, Manthan

Hi, I'm Manthan I'm a professional photographer and founder of photographywith.com. this site hosts all of my writing on photography stuff like blogs, reviews, editing, and much more. whatever I learn new, I publish here as a blog with some good and easy examples. Cheers, Manthan

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